Life is like the fragrance of a Jasmine on the spring breeze.

[ "what is life?"
"Life is like the fragrance of a Jasmine on the spring breeze." -Words form a Yogi ]
" Simplify the life.
Simple life general means that the arrangements you make around your life are simple
so that it doesn't entangle you, it only supports you.
All the arrangements we make in our lives are supposed to enhance our life,
If you make an arrangement that you don't need,
these arrangements will become entangling.
people get educated, because they think it will enhance their life,
people get married, because they think it will enhance their life,
people have children, because they think it will enhance their life,
people doingbusiness, because they think it will enhance their life,Nevertheless, so many people they suffered after they get educated, married, Obviously they make more arrangements than they can actually handlethey did not make arrangement consciouslybecause they are in this condition,thought there is no container service at the end of life,most home have turned into warehouses. It is cluttering their life in such a way.
So simple life means, you are not entangle.It is very important. You are enhanced, but not entangled. "